Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Im new here , so PLEASE  give me a BREAK on my first post. Im 65 and retired , i live out in woods (kinda) 15 miles to town (where i can buy my beer) the house is a two story farm house (squared) over  100 years old, on 5 acre`s , with lot`s of black walnut tree`s and one chestnut, lots of blackberrys and lot`s of snow (to shovel) and grass to cut. Lake Michigan is walking distance (about 1 mile) which i cant walk that far without resting, cuz my hip`s hurt after a short walk, but i do it with my dog cuz he love`s  it.  I stay entertained with my dog (a-boy) australian sheppard, one tv channel (abc) and the pc (dial up) oops!  I love bird feeding all year long. So why am i here? I like photos of all sorts and will post them........hope you enjoy MY BLOG. Cya

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