Thursday, June 23, 2011

One misserable day !

Damn, shit, fug, piss >>>>>>>> It`s suppose to be summer and it`s 60  rain fog and the same for tommorow. I cant cut the grass (weeeeeeeeee) and the shit is like 8in tall  in  some spots.  It`s just been rain`n all week off and on, suppose to warm up by saturday...but those weather people are so fugged up! I think they flip a coin to forecast what is really gonna happen . Maybe rain, maybe  is a forecast like that? My dog dont want to go outside in that shit, i have to pull him by his chain to get him to do his stuff. I guess if we had to pee outside we would not like it either. How in the hell did all those people from long ago piss and shit outside when it`s 20 below the shit out of me. Cya

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